

Welcome to my digital portfolio!  This has been created as part of my participation in a Level 9 Post Graduate Diploma in Arts and Education in Griffith College, Dublin.  This is a an evaluation and reflection piece, which allows me to review and reflect on what I have learned over the duration of the course.  It has helped me assess, why I teach, how I teach and what I can do to improve my teaching.  Time is very precious and this programme has made me take the time to understand the current thinking in the areas of pedagogical practice and assessment in higher education in Ireland and internationally. 

I have been amazed and indeed astounded by the amount of research and information available.  I have learned a tremendous amount from my peers on the course. I have laughed and in some instances nearly cried (but not quite) and am excited to implement all that is great and good into my teaching going forward.

Teaching Responsibilities

I am a very new lecturer, this is my second academic year. I currently teach a module in special events environment within a BA (Hons) in Marketing and Education. I also deliver a number of professional diplomas.  

I initially came to training ten years ago as a guest lecturer and then at the request of a private college to create and deliver a post-graduate diploma in Event Management and PR.  I spent twenty years in Industry with a international financial publisher as a sponsorship and event manager.   I love lecturing and want to get better. 

Now I need to get all my ducks in a row!

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